Bootstrap makes it easy

Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap is an intuitive and powerful framework for a fast and easy development of modern websites and web applications. In this article I will briefly explain the basics and give you 10 reasons why you should use Bootstrap for your next web project. The most important advantage of Bootstrap is that is saves you a lot of time and therefore development money.

What is it?

Twitter Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, charts, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

Bootstrap was originally developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter, but a lot of other companies have started using it nowadays. Bootstrap was open sourced in 2011 and since then it has become one of the favorite platforms of web developers worldwide. More details about Bootstrap can be found at or the Wikipedia page.

Ten reasons to choose Bootstrap!

  1. Responsive: Bootstrap automatically adapts to the screen of user. No matter if it’s watched from a smartphone, tablet or desktop, it always looks good!
  2. Compatible with all modern webbrowers: Bootstrap is compatible with Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. You don’t have to worry about the fact that stuff won’t work.
  3. Fast and scalable: the HTML and CSS files in Bootstrap are all very compact. This is good for the speed of your website or web application. And as we all know, Google loves fast websites and gives them better search rankings.
  4. Cheaper than custom development: the framework is loaded with a lot of standard components. Custom development is expensive and you can save a lot of time and profit from the work that already has been done by others.
  5. Consistent interface: because of the many graphic components like fonts, forms and buttons, that also can be customized on the fly, you are able to create a consistent look-and-feel and user experience step-by-step.
  6. Easily customizable: Bootstrap is open source and every single line of code than be modified. The basic files all have a simple structure which makes them easily readable for any developer.
  7. Lots of examples: the framework is very well documented. On the website of Bootstrap you can find enough good examples of other companies who have used the framework.
  8. A great look & feel: a whole new eco system of template websites has evolved around Bootstrap, all offering slick designs for a (very) low price. is one of them.
  9. Integration with CMS: you can integrate Bootstrap with your current CMS like Drupal or Joomla. Keep the management of the content into your own hands and let Bootstrap take care of the presentation of it.
  10. Friendly environment: it’s just plain fun to work with Bootstrap. It has no rough edges. Thats also the reason it has become one of the favorites of developers worldwide.

Are you thinking about using Bootstrap for your next web project? Shareforce would love to service you and has completed multiple projects based on Bootstrap successfully. Like our own website your watching at right now, the backend of the Schiphol Valet Parking app but also the modern parallax website of

Contact us for a free introduction of this powerful framework! 



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